内容: | 👕 BEFRS MERCH » https://befrs.shop/ Follow us on Instagram: 📷 Sonny Side: @besteverfoodreviewshow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 🎬CREDITS: VIDEO EDITOR » Khang Bùi CAMERA OPERATOR » Wife |
内容: | Bowl meals have always been my favorite type of meal because they’re super flexible, you get a lot of colors, textures, and flavors in every bowl, and they’re perfect for meal prep (I LOVE having grab-n-go lunches ready). This week, I made these Mediterranean Turkey Bowls. They’re simple, super fresh, and very filling. Plus, I can swap out ingredients depending on what I have on hand, or what I’m craving. So if you’re looking for something new, easy, and fresh to prep for lunch, give these bowls a try! |
内容: | ————————————————————— 時代足球總會/時代足球學校 服務包括: 1.報名足球比賽 2.兒童、成人等足球訓練 3.球賽錄影、精華專輯、評述等及各項剪接 4.球衣訂造、用品訂購(足球,波襪等) 5.代辦機構、公司、學校足球比賽及訓練 6.球證、教練服務 官方網站:www.times-footballclub.com IG : Timesfootballclub FB: https://www.facebook.com/timefootballclub/ Youtube頻道:Timesfootballclub Tel/Whatsapp:60126665 #時代足球總會 #時代足球學校 #聯賽 #足球 #香港 #業餘 #運動 #全港首創球員專輯 #香港足球 #Football #Soccer #精彩技術 #足球員 #精彩 #足球練習 #學踢波 #興趣班 #youtube #訓練 #球技小教室 |
内容: | 在這片被大自然恩賜的土地上,展現出了一幅令人陶醉的美麗山水畫卷。青翠的群山連綿起伏,如同巨龍蜿蜒而行,而清澈的溪流在山間歡快地流淌,似乎是大地的細語。一片寧靜的湖泊坐落在山腳,宛如一塊碧藍的明鏡,倒映著周圍的美景。 春天,山坡上盛開著各色鮮花,紅、黃、藍、紫交織成一幅斑斕的畫面,吸引著飛蛾和蝴蝶在花叢間翩翩起舞。夏日里,陽光透過蔥蘢的樹葉灑在大地上,微風拂過,草地像一片綠色的海洋在波濤洶湧。秋季,山坡披上了一件金黃的袍子,楓葉、槐葉、橡葉交相輝映,宛如一幅火紅的畫卷。而寒冬降臨時,皚皚白雪鋪蓋在山川大地,宛如銀裝素裹的童話世界。 遠處,村莊宛如雕刻而成的藝術品,靜靜地佇立在山間。屋頂上積雪晶瑩剔透,冒著炊煙的煙囪在藍天下顯得格外溫馨。村旁的田野一片肥沃,農夫們正在田間勞作,耕耘的身影宛如一支支春天的曲調。 這片美麗的山水風景讓人感受到大自然的鬼斧神工,也讓人沉浸在寧靜與宜人之中。無論是遠足、攝影,還是靜坐、思考,這裡都是心靈棲息的勝地,讓人流連忘返。在這片山水間,人與自然和諧共生,彷彿時光放慢了腳步,讓人感受到生命的美好與意義。 |
内容: | 穿成“玄幻世界”族長,從家族角度去描繪一個盡量真實的玄幻世界,種種靈田養養靈魚,全面發展家族產業,扶植家族咸魚長輩成老祖擔當保護傘,激勵小輩勇闖聖地學宮出人頭地。本文非熱血戰鬥式玄幻,而是以提升各項家族產業,資金、設施、家仆、家將、族人、客卿、姻親等元素為主。力圖從新鮮的視角去看”老套“的玄幻世界。 |
内容: | Learn the differences between meal prep and batch cooking and discover which method works best for you. Understand the pros and cons of each approach and get tips for making meal planning and prep more efficient and effective. |
内容: | This was the first full year I’ve had a full time “job” taking the majority of my mental energy, instead of my work on this site. I didn’t read quite as much as I have in years past, partially from my other work and from the long pause on Made You Think, but I still read some great mind-changing books and articles I’d strongly recommend you check out over the holidays or in 2019. |